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Certified Healthcare Trustee - Renewal

Certified Healthcare Trustee - Renewal

The program has a term of 3 years with an option to renew after the third year.  Renew your certification within 90 days of your expiration date.

To renew your Certified Healthcare Trustee designation, you must:

1.       Must currently serve on a hospital/health system board.

2.       Must be previously certified by THT for the term prior and not let certification lapse for more than 90 days.

3.       Pay the renewal fee of $125.00.

4.       Must have completed 12 hours of continuing education by approved sources with the last 3 years.  Email, fax or mail copies of the education proof of attendance and renewal application to:


·         512/692-2556

·         THT Board Certification, 1108 Lavaca Ste. 700, Austin, TX 78701


  • List Price: $125.00
Item Details:
Certified Healthcare Trustee - Renewal
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